Frequently Asked Questions

Who can benefit from an Natural Medicine/Energy Healing?

Natural Medicine/Energy Healing can benefit anyone. Each Offering is very gentle and nurturing. If you have physical limitations and are not able to lay on a treatment couch, it is possible to conduct your treatment in a seated position.

How many sessions will I need?

How many sessions that is needed varies from person to person and will depend on various factors such as your reason for wanting Reiki, your schedule, and how you feel after your first session and what you want to accomplish and achieve.  You can't have too much, but depending on your needs, you might feel that you need more treatments. 

When clients have a specific reason for seeking Reiki, it is quite common to start with an initial course of weekly or bi-weekly treatments for a period of 4 to 8 weeks. Other clients enjoy regular monthly treatments, or simply book an appointment whenever they feel it would be of particular benefit to them.

How can Natural Medicine/Energy Healing help me?

Please see:

How does a Distance Healing treatment work?

Distance healing is ideal if you are geographically far from me or unable to come to where I'm based. 

Distance healing is equally powerful as in person healing because the healing energy is not limited by time or by distance. In natural medicine therapies and alternative energy healing, healing practitioners work with the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of an individual by tuning into the clients energy, reading their energy field and by using the power of intention. The energy body can be read from anywhere and at any time and does not require you to be physically present with the practitioner.

Distance healing is the process of making Reiki available across space and time through the infinite field of Rei, the all-pervading and all-connecting Universal Consciousness. At the level of Rei, separation does not exist, but is merely a perspective for the mind in order to create individual experiences. Ki is the vital life force energy which flows through all living beings and is also known as Chi or Prana. Clients  who have both types of treatment are usually surprised that they can 'feel' things happening in the same way, regardless of proximity. 

All energy healing sessions are available via distance (remote) healing to anywhere in the world, using Telephone, Zoom or Skype and are arranged at a special time, set aside and agreed upon between the client and practitioner.

Healing can be sent to people, situations, relationships, past lives, future events - in fact, its use is limited only by lack of imagination!

To conduct a remote session, we will agree a specific time, and will begin the session with a video call. During the treatment, you are invited to relax and be in a receptive state. At the end of the session, we will talk again via video call. You will be advised to stay well hydrated for a few days, and to avoid additional toxins as much as possible. 

What happens during an In-person Healing Session?

After an initial consultation, you will move onto the treatment couch, where you will be invited to close your eyes and relax. You will remain fully clothed throughout the treatment and hands will be gently placed on or above the main energy centres of your body, as well as any other areas that need healing. A full treatment takes approximately 75 minutes. 

Comfortable clothing (including socks) is recommended. A blanket will also be offered.

Every person and session is different but these are some of the most common experiences clients have reported. Some people experience gentle tingling, or other physical sensations. Some report seeing colours, or find that old memories or emotions come up, while other people do not notice any sensations other than the gentle hands of the practitioner. It is quite common to fall asleep during a session. All of these things are perfectly normal. Whether or not you 'feel' anything happening, the treatment is still working.

At the end of the session you will be offered a drink of water, and advised to stay well-hydrated for a few days afterwards. This will help your body to release energy and toxins which have been moved around during the treatment. It is also advisable to avoid additional toxins (such as alcohol, caffeine, smoking) after a session.

Please See:

What will I feel during/after a Healing Session?

Please See:

Is Sound Healing available as an Offering to everyone?

Sound healing is a gentle but powerful tool. If you are being treated for a serious physical or mental disorder or are taking any medications, it is important to check with your doctor before proceeding with treatments.

Sound healing is not suitable for anyone with the following issues:

  • any deep vein thrombosis in the leg or known thrombi

  • open wounds

  • acute inflammations and tumours

  • pacemaker or defibrillator (can not be placed on or near the affected area)

  • a metallic implant (can not be placed on or near the affected area)

  • if you are post surgery (before the sutures have been removed and the scar is not fully healed and closed)

Please consult your doctor before first use:

  • People with carotid stenosis.

  • People with cardiac pacemakers, artificial heart valves, or cardiac arrhythmias

  • People with a stent

  • People with a shunt

  • People with a deep brain stimulation device (DBS)

  • Epileptics

  • Pregnant women in their first trimester

Are there any scientific studies about Reiki?

Yes, you can find a PDF download on the UK Reiki Federation website called 'REIKI - The BODY Evidence' here.

Which payment methods do you accept?

Offerings and Packages are paid for in advance using PayPal. 

An Invoice will be issued (via PayPal) or you may purchase Offerings here:

Please let me know at least 24 hours in advance if you need to cancel your appointment. 

Cancellations within 24 hours of your appointment will be charged at the full appointment rate. Cancellations a minimum of 24 hours in advance of your appointment will not be charged and we will aim to rearrange your appointment within 14 working days.