Energy Alchemy



What is Energy Alchemy?

This session works by de-rooting trapped emotions and suffering which may have manifested physically within the body. Through guided discussion and a powerful, active de-blocking technique, the 'stuck energy' is separated from your emotional body. Usually the physical symptoms disappear, reflecting the deep healing that has taken place.

This integrative practice is inspired and based on the Vedantic Model. I offer two methods which have been crafted by blending Reiki techniques with elements of techniques used in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

According to Vedanta, human life manifests itself in the five koshas and the three shariras. In Sanskrit, kosha means ‘sheath’ or ‘envelope’ and sharira means ‘body’. During life, these subtle bodies act as aspects and functions of our wholeness, not as separate parts.

Through energy transformation, including energetic extractions, deep energetic healing, energy cleansing, emotional discharge and soul retrieval, I help release embedded and stagnant energy to make room for flow.

Letting Go - Immediate release of limiting emotions and beliefs that cause pain and block you from being your true self.

I guide my clients through a process of inner inquiry to get to the core of their issue. Holding a safe space of unconditional acceptance I guide clients through a process of becoming aware of their toxic beliefs and emotions, facilitating the release of emotions, trauma and patterns which do not serve any more.

This is deeply transformative work which allows the client to find a new perspective, to re-frame and gently shift from Ego consciousness to Essence – a state of grace where healing, peace and forgiveness become possible. This process resolves issues at the deepest level, re-establishing harmony on all levels of our being, from spiritual to physical.

This type of healing is deep and empowering as it encourages the client to take responsibility for co-creating their own health and wellbeing by Observing, Accepting, Releasing and Transforming. The aim is to help clients shift from a state of surviving into a state of thriving.

Physical health problems, trauma, emotional charges, energy blockages, general imbalances in your wellbeing or challenges with relationships, money, careers may be focused on during sessions.

Energy Healing complements and enhances the positive effects of all other types of health care, including psychotherapy and conventional medicine.

Aura Cleansing

The Aura is an energy field that surrounds the body.

We are all interconnected and our auras, or the human energy field, constantly interact with the energy field of other beings and the environment.

Our energy field is affected by interactions with other beings as well our physical environment - electromagnetic pollution, air quality, water quality, food we eat and also our own emotional state. Just as we take care of our physical body, we need to take care of our energy body on regular basis. 

The Aura can be scanned with a crystal in order to determine the energy blockages and to check for the existence of auric holes which allow the drain of energy from the physical body. Crystals and smudge sticks are used to cleanse and stabilise the aura.

What happens during a Energy Alchemy Offering?

During this initial period of conscious discussion and evaluation we clarify the various problems or issues to be addressed. We shall sit and connect over tea and I will gently guide you in a process of inner inquiry which will uncover any particular problems or issues to be dealt with in the session. You will be invited to be fully present to the process, feel the charge in the body and allow the emotions and sensations relating to the issue to come up and fully feel them to make space for new energy to flow and for you to blossom.

We will begin by assessing which of the two energy moving methods will work best for you according to your needs and level of comfort.

At the beginning of a session your energy field (aura) is cleansed. Using my intuitive abilities I then connect with you energetically and read your energy field by passing a hand gently above the surface of your body, noting any sensations or imbalances.

I will ask you to acknowledge and feel problem in your body and ask you to describe the problem/blockage you would like to heal.

This integrative practice helps to create a conscious ‘dialogue’ between the individual koshas, (the kosher and sharers are the vehicles of the Higher Self, the immortal Spirit-Essence of human beings) thus making it easier to clear the samskaras (imprints, psychological wounds and emotional charges) and energy blockages that obscure the Higher Self and its ability to bring healing.

The pain, tension or sensation that accompanies the problem/blockage is felt in the physical and the etheric body and is used as a doorway into the corresponding thought forms and emotions of the astral body. Reiki and the power of intention are activated to uproot the blockage from the astral and the etheric and thereby from the physical body.

At the end of a session your energy field is cleansed, balanced and protected. Spiritual guidance is provided to guide you through the process, exploring different tools that can help you on your journey to rediscover your true self as your body, mind and spirit learn to adapt to a new flow and adjust to a more balanced state of being. This allows you to gain new perspectives on physical and emotional pain to create deeper healing and self-love.


All Offerings are based in South West London or surrounding areas if you would prefer an Offering in the comfort of your own home.

Pricing: Private Sessions

Private session: Energy Alchemy, 75 minutes: £90

If you feel called to spend this time together or require any further information please

Pricing: Distance Private Sessions

Distance Energy Alchemy, 75 minutes : £90

If you feel called to spend this time together please